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Accès alphabétique aux familles, genres, sous-genres, espèces et à la bibliographie du site par auteurs.
O’Connel, M. (1922)
Phylogeny of the ammonite genus Ochetoceras
in Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History - Vol. XLVI - American Museum of Natural History, New York
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Oates, M., J. (1991)
Upper Kimmeridgian stratigraphy of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
in Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association - Volume 102, Issue 3 - Geologists’ Association, London
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Odin, G., S. (2001)
The Campanian-Maastrichtian Stage Boundary - Characterisation at Tercis les Bains (France) and Correlation with Europe and other Continents. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 19
- Elsevier
Odin, G., S., Courville, P., Machalski, M. & Cobban, W., A. (2001)
The Campanian-Maastrichtian ammonite fauna from Tercis (Landes, France); a synthetic view
in Odin, G., S. - The Campanian-Maastrichtian Stage Boundary - Characterisation at Tercis les Bains (France) and Correlation with Europe and other Continents. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 19 - Ch. D4g - Elsevier
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Ogg, J., G. & Hinnov, L., A. (2012)
in Gradstein, F., M., Ogg, J., G., Schmitz, M., D. & Ogg, G., M. - The Geologic Time Scale 2012 - Volume 1 - Chapter 26 - Elsevier
Ogg, J., G., Ogg, G., M. & Gradstein, F., M. (2016)
A Concise Geologic Time Scale
- Elsevier
Oleïnikov, A., N. & Gavrilova, V., A. (2008)
Système Triassique [en Russe]
in Jamoïda, A., I. - Stratigraphie antécambrienne et phanérozoïque de Russie - Etat de l’art et problèmes [en Russe] - Fasc. 38 - Comité Interdépartemental de Stratigraphie de Russie
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Oliver, P., G. & Holmes, A., M. (2006)
The Arcoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia): a review of the current phenetic-based systematic
in Zoological Journal of The Linnean Society - Volume 148, issue 3 - The Linnean Society of London
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Olivero, D., Pavia, G., Fernández-López, S., R., Mangold, C. & Guiomar, M. (2010)
Le GSSP du Bathonien à Bas Auran (réserve naturelle géologique de Haute-Provence, France)
in Géologie de la France - No 1 - B.R.G.M. & S.G.F.
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Olivero, E., B. & Medina, F., A. (2000)
Patterns of Late Cretaceous ammonite biogeography in southern high latitudes: the family Kossmaticeratidae in Antarctica
in Cretaceous Research - 21 (2) - Academic Press Inc. (London) / Elsevier
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Olivero, E., B. & Raffi, M., E. (2018)
Onshore-offshore trends in Campanian ammonite facies from the Marambio Group, Antarctica: Implications for ammonite habitats
in Cretaceous Research - 88 - Academic Press Inc. (London) / Elsevier
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Olóriz, F. (1978)
Kimmeridgiense - Tithonico inferior en el sector central de las cordilleras beticas (zona subbetica). Paleontologia. Bioestratigrafia - Tesis doctorales
- Universidad de Granada
Olóriz, F. & Rodríguez-Tovar, F., J. (1996)
The ammonite Sutneria from the Upper Jurassic of Southern Spain
in Palaeontology - 39 (4) - The Palaeontological Association
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Olóriz, F. & Rodríguez-Tovar, F., J. (1999)
Advancing Research on Living and Fossil Cephalopods
- Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York
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Ooster, W., A. (1860)
Catalogue des céphalopodes fossiles des Alpes suisses - Vè partie : Céphalopodes tentaculifères, Ammonitides, G. Scaphites, Ancyloceras, Crioceras, Toxoceras, Hamites, Ptychoceras, Baculites, Heteroceras, Turrilites, Anisoceras
Ooster, W., A. (1861)
Catalogue des Céphalopodes fossiles des Alpes suisses avec la description et les figures des espèces remarquables. Partie 5 : Céphalopodes tentaculifères. Ammonitides. G. Ancyloceras d’Orbigny
- Georg ed., Genève
Oppel, A. (1856)
Die Juraformation Englands, Frankreichs und des südwestlichen Deutschlands
in Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg
Oppel, A. (1856-1858)
Die Juraformation Englands, Frankreichs und des südwestlichen Deutschlands. Separat-Abdruck der Württemb. naturw. Jahreshefte XII.-XIV. Jahrg.
- Stuttgart: Ebner & Seubert
Oppel, A. (1862-1865)
Palaeontologische Mittheilungen aus dem Museum des koeniglichen bayrischen Staates
- Akademie der Wissenschaften
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Oppel, A. (1862-63)
Ueber Jurassische Cephalopoden
in Oppel, A. - Palaeontologische Mittheilungen aus dem Museum des koeniglichen bayrischen Staates - Akademie der Wissenschaften
Oppel, A. & Waagen, W. (1866)
Über die zone des Ammonites transversarius
- R. Oldenbourg. München
Oppenheimer, J. (1907)
Der Malm der Schwedenschanze bei Brünn
in Beiträge zur Paläontologie Österreichs - No 20 - Universität Wien. Paläontologisches und Geoogisches Institutes
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Orbigny (d’), A. (1840-1842)
Paléontologie Française. Terrains crétacés. I. Céphalopodes
- Masson, Paris
Orbigny (d’), A. (1842-1851)
Paléontologie Française. Terrains jurassiques. I. Céphalopodes
- Paris
Orlov, Y., A. (coord.) (?)
Bases de la paléontologie [en Russe]
- Académie des Sciences de l’U.R.S.S., Moscou
Osborn, K., J., Kuhnz, L., A., Priede, I., G., Urata, M., Gebruk, A., V. & Holland, N., D. (2011)
Diversification of acorn worms (Hemichordata, Enteropneusta) revealed in the deep sea
in Proceedings of the Royal Society - B - Biological Sciences - Royal Society Publishing
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Ovando-Figueroa, J., R. (2016)
Ammonites del Aptiano superior-Albiano inferior (Cretácico inferior) de la sección de Cerro Chino del estado de Chihuahua, noroeste de México. Thèse de Doctorat
- Universidad Autónoma de México
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Owen, D., D. (1852)
Illustrations to the Geological Report of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota
- Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co.
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Owen, H., G. (1988)
The ammonite zonal sequence and ammonite taxonomy in the Douvilleiceras mammillatum superzone (Lower Albian) in Europe
in Bulletin Natural History Museum London (Geol.) - 44 - The Natural History Museum
Owen, H., G. (2002)
The base of the Albian Stage; comments on recent proposals
in Cretaceous Research - 23 (2002) - Academic Press Inc. (London) / Elsevier